How digital marketing influencing real estate industry?

The real estate industry of Pakistan has undergone massive transformation in the last couple of years. Before the governments introduced the relief and reforms package for the real estate sector, the real estate sector of the country was largely stagnated due to massive tax hikes on property sellers and the purchasers. However, since the introduction of reforms and relief package, the real estate sector of Pakistan in going in an upward trajectory. According to the real estate experts of the region, the reason of the growth mainly lies in the comprehensive reforms that were introduced. These reforms have not only worked their way in bringing back the veteran real estate sectors but has also acted as a catalyst for the induction of new real estate investors. These new real estate investors are mainly millennials who are ready to give the real estate sector of the country a go due to the reforms bringing in more transparency in the entire real estate sector.

Apart from this, the millennia influx has also been triggered by the fact that the rules of real estate marketing have been changed! Internet is now the weapon of choice of real estate companies and agents throughout Pakistan. Internet marketing has done an excessive paradigm shift. The reason being that internet is easily available throughout the country and the cost of going online is meager when compared to other conventional marketing tactics. 

According to Deal & Deals, a premium real estate company in Islamabad, the internet marketing realm has changed the complete dynamics of the industry. According to this real estate company, their focus is now marketing through the internet and the social media is the most used weapon of choice. The social media marketing has taken the real estate industry by the storm. According to the real estate experts of the region, the new investors are now looking for new investment opportunities online. They are also verifying the claims of Real estate marketing companies online by surfing through all the user inputs regarding a certain real estate project. For instance, a real estate marketer is now supposed to be more careful when posting stuff like payment plans on line. 

Let’s take the example of Capital Smart City Islamabad Overseas Prime Block payment plan. The digital marketer posting the Smart City Islamabad payment plan online will need to consult the official payment plan of the capital smart city in order to post the correct payment plan online. Because error is not an option and you can lose or make your credibility online by this. According to the real estate investor, the internet has made it easy for them to find the correct real estate investment opportunities online. Before the advent of the internet, the investors had to physically visit the site in order to assess if it was worth their money or otherwise. However, this has all changed now. Now the investors use free tools like the Google Maps to check the exact location of the real estate projects and also to check the distance it has from the main roads etc. 

The advent of internet has massively transformed the way business was done. Before it was extremely tedious for the new real estate agents to start their business. Now it is extremely easy. For instance, now a real estate agent only has to go online to start their real estate brokerage business. And that also free! All it takes is a Facebook page to setup and you are good to start doing business. The digital marketing has changed the way business is done and has made more possibilities for the agents, buyers and sellers of property. 


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